Plot a dot plot of n marker features grouped by cell metadata available methods are wilcoxon rank-sum test implemented in presto and specificity scores implemented in genesorteR
metavar = "batch",
num_markers = 5,
selected_values = NULL,
return_plotly = FALSE,
marker_method = "presto",
seurat_assay = "gene",
hide_technical = NULL,
unique_markers = FALSE,
p_val_cutoff = 1,
a seurat object
the metadata variable from which to pick clusters
default is 5
whether to return an interactive ploly plot
either "presto" or "genesorteR"
whether to exclude mitochondrial or ribosomal genes
# interactive mode using "presto"
plot_markers(human_gene_transcript_seu, metavar = "tech", marker_method = "presto", return_plotly = TRUE)
#> Error in `Idents<-`(`*tmp*`, value = seu[[]][[metavar]]): 'value' must be a factor or vector
# static mode using "presto"
plot_markers(human_gene_transcript_seu, metavar = "tech", marker_method = "genesorteR", return_plotly = FALSE)
#> Error in `Idents<-`(`*tmp*`, value = seu[[]][[metavar]]): 'value' must be a factor or vector