This article demonstrates the visualization tools in seuratTools. We’ll introduce included functions, their usage, and resulting plots
First step is to load seuratTools package and all other packages required
seuratTools contains many plotting functions that allows for visualization, these plots can be customized for interactive or non-interactive display.
Expression of one or more features (genes or transcripts) can be plotted on a given embedding, resulting in an interactive, single or multi-feature plot.
When plotting only one feature, output is identical to
embedding = "umap",
features = "NRL", return_plotly = FALSE
An interactive output plot can be generated by specifying
return_plotly = TRUE
which uses ggplotly
allowing identification of individual cells for further
The plot_readcount
function displays a histogram of cell
read counts colored according to a categorical variable using the
. Here we can see that read counts for
this dataset are not distinctly different depending on the method of
organoid preparation used (Kuwahara or Zhong)
metavar = "nCount_RNA", = "Prep.Method"
seuratTools contains a function that produces an interactive scatter
plot of a metadata variable, where each point in the plot represents a
cell whose position on the plot is given by the cell embedding
determined by the dimensional reduction technique. The default dimension
reduction used is “UMAP”. The group argument in plot_var()
function allows the user to enter the metadata variable by which to
group the cells by, its default value is set to “batch”.
plot_var(human_gene_transcript_seu, group = "type", embedding = "umap")
This function utilizes a Seurat function, DimPlot()
, as
sub function which produces the dimensional reduction plot.The
interactive parameter, return_plotly
, in plot_var when set
to TRUE will convert the plot into an interactive plot using ggplotly
function from R’s plotly package
Marker genes of louvain clusters or additional experimental metadata
can be plotted using plot_markers
. This allows
visualization of n marker features grouped by the metadata of interest.
Marker genes are identified using wilcoxon rank-sum test as implemented
in presto
. In the resulting dot plot the size of the dot
corresponds to the percentage of cells expressing the feature in each
cluster and the color represents the average expression level of the
metavar = "gene_snn_res.0.2",
marker_method = "presto"
To visualize the distribution of expression level of a feature in
different groups of cells seuratTools draws a violin plot. This function
uses Seurat’s VInPlot()
function as a sub-function to
create the violin plot, where the metadata variable, provided to the
function through the variable plot_var
, is used to group
the cells and based on the level of feature expression a violin plot is
plot_violin(human_gene_transcript_seu, plot_var = "type", features = "NRL")
This function plots the expression level of all the transcripts present in a given Seurat object, coding for a feature/gene of interest. The gene of interest is specified by the argument ‘features’ and by default the data is superimposed on UMAP embedding.
plot_all_transcripts(human_gene_transcript_seu, features = "NRL")
This seuratTools function produces a visual representation of the expression levels of each transcript in a gene map. The function plot_transcript_composition() plots the proportion of reads of a given gene map to each transcript. The gene of interest is specified by the argument ‘gene_symbol’.
The plot_ridge() function in seuratTools plots a ridge plot for cell cycle scoring of a feature, providing a visual representation of expression level of the feature in each cell cycle. This function uses two embedded Seurat functions. The function CellCycleScoring() assigns each cell a score based on its expression of G2/M and S phase markers. This data is then used by the function, RidgePlot(), which uses user provided ‘features’ argument to plot the ridge plot of the features.
plot_cell_cycle_distribution(human_gene_transcript_seu, "NRL")
plot_cell_cycle_distribution(human_gene_transcript_seu, "nFeature_RNA")
The seuratTools function plots an annotated complex heat map from the Seurat object with a dendogram added to the left side and the top.
top_10_features <- VariableFeatures(human_gene_transcript_seu)[1:10]
features = top_10_features, = "gene_snn_res.0.2"
features = top_10_features, = "gene_snn_res.0.2", col_arrangement = "average"
features = top_10_features, = c("Prep.Method", "gene_snn_res.0.2"),
col_arrangement = "gene_snn_res.0.2"
features = top_10_features, = c("Prep.Method", "gene_snn_res.0.2"),
col_arrangement = "Prep.Method"