Plot Annotated Complexheatmap from Seurat object
features = NULL, = "ident",
cells = NULL,
layer = "",
assay = NULL, = 0.01,
column_split = NULL,
col_arrangement = "ward.D2",
mm_col_dend = 30,
embedding = "pca",
Vector of features to plot. Features can come
Name of one or more metadata columns to annotate columns by (for example, orig.ident)
Cells to retain
whether to split columns by metadat value
how to arrange columns whether with a dendrogram (Ward.D2, average, etc.) or exclusively by metadata category
height of column dendrogram
additional arguments passed to ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap
A Seurat object
for column dendrogram
# plot top 50 variable genes
top_50_features <- VariableFeatures(human_gene_transcript_seu)[1:50]
seu_complex_heatmap(human_gene_transcript_seu, features = top_50_features)
#> Error in dplyr::mutate(., across(where(is.character), ~str_wrap(str_replace_all(.x, ",", " "), 10))): ℹ In argument: `across(...)`.
#> Caused by error in `across()`:
#> ! Can't compute column `sample_id`.
#> Caused by error in `str_wrap()`:
#> ! could not find function "str_wrap"