Run batch correction, followed by:
stashing of batches in metadata 'batch'
clustering with resolution 0.2 to 2.0 in increments of 0.2
saving to <proj_dir>/output/sce/
resolution = seq(0.2, 2, by = 0.2),
suffix = "",
algorithm = 1,
organism = "human",
annotate_cell_cycle = FALSE,
annotate_percent_mito = FALSE,
reduction = "pca",
List of seurat objects to be integrated
Range of resolution
a suffix to be appended to a file save in output dir
Algorithm for modularity optimization. Default 1:original Louvain algorithm
Default "human"
batches <- panc8 %>%
Seurat::SplitObject( = "tech")
integrated_seu <- seurat_integration_pipeline(batches)
#> Centering and scaling data matrix
#> Centering and scaling data matrix
#> Computing 2000 integration features
#> Scaling features for provided objects
#> Finding all pairwise anchors
#> Running CCA
#> Merging objects
#> Finding neighborhoods
#> Finding anchors
#> Found 1029 anchors
#> Filtering anchors
#> Retained 703 anchors
#> Merging dataset 2 into 1
#> Extracting anchors for merged samples
#> Finding integration vectors
#> Finding integration vector weights
#> Integrating data
#> Error in UseMethod(generic = "JoinLayers", object = object): no applicable method for 'JoinLayers' applied to an object of class "c('Assay', 'KeyMixin')"